Свято Святого Миколая 19 грудня інформація про день Святого Миколая в Україні

день святого миколая 19 грудня

Деякі різдвяні традиції та ритуали, як-от залишення черевика чи панчохи, які потрібно наповнити, схожі на традиції Дня Святого Миколая. День Святого Миколая, який є покровителем усіх знедолених, сиріт, вдів, незаконно засуджених, а також моряків і мандрівників, відзначають 19 грудня. Він вважається початком Святок і з його настанням починається ретельна підготовка до Різдва. Раніше в кожному будинку, де були образи, обов’язково поруч з іконами Ісуса Христа і Божої Матері знаходився і Святий Миколай. Просячи його про допомогу в скрутну хвилину, за повір’ями, ніхто не залишався без його благих діянь, інформує Ukr.Media. Особливо нетерпляче на це свято очікують дітлахи, адже святитель Миколай обов’язково покладе під подушку якийсь подарунок.

Налипання мокрого снігу та вітер: яких “сюрпризів” очікувати від погоди на вихідних

В умовах воєнного стану в Україні скасовано всі святкові неробочі дні. Ну і нагадаємо, що раніше День святого Миколая відзначали 19 грудня. За новим календарем, у 2024 році День святого Миколая відзначатиметься https://wizardsdev.com/ 6 грудня. Це дата, яку потрібно пам’ятати, адже саме в цей день діти отримуватимуть подарунки.

Коли відзначають День Святого Миколая і День літнього Миколи: чому існує два свята

  • Відповідальність за достовірність інформації, опублікованої в рекламних матеріалах, несе рекламодавець.
  • Редакція Oboz.ua може не поділяти точки зору, викладену в авторському матеріалі.
  • Одними з джерел є перекази Андрія Критського (VII ст.) та монаха-студита Івана з Константинополя (V ст.).
  • Цей звичай виник після того, як Миколай допоміг трьом бідним сестрам, підкинувши їм мішечки із золотом у шкарпетки, що сушилися біля каміна.
  • У ніч на свято Миколай тихо залишає подарунки під подушкою або біля ліжка, виконуючи бажання тих, хто був чемним.

Однак в окремих громадах, згідно з постановою Священного Синоду Православної Церкви України, богослужіння за чином свята Різдва Христового може бути звершено 25 грудня. Запам’ятайте, що подібні дії в православ’ї вважаються підступами диявола. Кращий вихід — піти в храм і попросити про допомогу Бога і святих. Особливою повагою серед християн завжди користувався Микола Угодник, його так і називають в народі Чудотворцем за те, що будь-яку ситуацію допомагає вирішити. Святитель Миколай прославився праведним життям, завжди намагався допомогти всім, хто цього потребував. Микола творив добро, допомагав людям, звільняв полонених, рятував потопельників і його прозвали Чудотворцем.

день святого миколая 19 грудня

грудня: яке сьогодні свято, традиції та заборони

19 грудня українські християни зустрічають одне із найулюбленіших свят – День святого Миколая Чудотворця. Легендарний святий народився у Лікії й прославився тим, що день святого миколая 19 грудня завжди допомагав нужденним. О, всеблагий отче наш Миколаю, пастирю i вчителю всiх, хто з вiрою вдається пiд захист твiй i теплою молитвою благає тебе!

  • Після початку незалежності українці почали повертати традицію святкувати День святого Миколая та прищеплювати її дітям.
  • А якщо вони будуть пустувати, то Святий Миколай покладе їм під подушку прутик замість солодкого подарунка.
  • Протягом трьох ночей він пробирався до убогої хатини та щоразу закидав крізь вікно, у кімнату де ночували сестри, шмат золота — на придане для кожної з дочок.
  • У медальйонах і на полях — шановані в місті Новгороді святі.
  • А якщо дівчина мріяла про зустріч з судженим і заміжжя, читала Святому Миколаю молитви.

Традиції святкування Дня святого Миколая: що заведено робити цього дня

день святого миколая 19 грудня

—  Він зробив багато добра, врятував багатьох від лиха і злиднів. В народі живе і така легенда — про вдову з дітьми, яка дуже бідувала. А одного дня вона, застеляючи ліжко, помітила вузлик з грішми й дуже зраділа. Помолилася і подякувала щиро за добро, а потім здогадалася, що це турбота святого Миколая.

8 травня кораблі повернулися до Барі, і скоро радісна звістка облетіла все місто. Наступного дня, 9 травня, мощі святителя Миколая урочисто перенесли до церкви святого Стефана, що знаходилася недалеко від моря. Через рік була побудована церква на честь святителя Миколи і освячена папою Урбаном II. Розповідають, що, будучи ще немовлям, Микола був настільки набожним, що в дні посту (середу та п’ятницю) ссав материнське молоко лише один раз на день. А коли його уперше віднесли до купелі, він устав на ноги і сам стояв.

XCritical отзывы реальных клиентов


Эти ресурсы могут быть полезны трейдерам, желающим улучшить свои торговые навыки и знания. Функциональные куки мы используем для анализа посещений нашего вебсайта пользователями, а также для слежения за работой нашего сайта и повышения удобства его пользования. Эти куки позволяют нам предоставлять самое качественное обслуживание пользователей за счет быстрого выявления и устранения всех возникающих неполадок и проблем. К примеру, мы можем использовать куки для анализа xcritical жалобы того, какие страницы вебсайта наиболее популярны и какой метод линковки (связи) между страницами сайта работает лучше всего.

XCritical: Отзывы и Обзор 2024

Такое разделение позволяет брокеру оказывать финансовые услуги по всему миру без нарушения местного законодательства. Изначально компания занимала достаточно узкую нишу, специализируясь исключительно на посреднических услугах на валютном рынке. К настоящему времени компания превратилась в универсального брокера, работающего почти во всех странах мира. За более чем 10 лет XCritical привлек более 5 млн трейдеров, предложив уникальные технологические решения. Это международный брокер, регулируемый авторитетными организациями, такими как ASIC (Австралия), CySEC (Кипр) и FSC (Белиз). Брокер предоставляет прозрачные условия торговли и имеет хорошую репутацию среди трейдеров.


XM вводит комиссию за неактивность счета, если счет остается неактивным в течение двенадцати месяцев. Брокер оставляет за собой право изменить период неактивности по своему усмотрению, что делает важным регулярное отслеживание состояния счета. Конкурсы XM добавляют элемент азарта и волнения в торговлю, предлагая уникальные возможности для обогащения опыта и выигрыша ценных призов.

Трейдерам важно понимать риски, связанные с кредитным плечом, и торговать ответственно. Для вывода денег с XM необходимо зайти в личный кабинет на сайте брокера и выбрать соответствующий раздел. Затем выберите предпочитаемый метод вывода средств, укажите сумму и следуйте инструкциям. Вывод средств обычно осуществляется без комиссии, но может занять несколько рабочих дней в зависимости от выбранного метода. Брокер XM предлагает широкий спектр счетов, что делает его привлекательным для широкого круга инвесторов.

Торговые счета

С каждым повышением статуса лояльности количество зарабатываемых баллов за лот увеличивается, позволяя трейдерам накапливать XMP быстрее. В личном кабинете просматриваются торговые сделки, можно менять плечо, пополнять и снимать прибыль, принимать участие в акционных программах. XM – международный форекс и CFD брокер, регулируемый такими авторитетными организациями, как ASIC (Австралия), CySEC (Кипр) и FSC (Белиз).

Торговые платформы

Кроме того, дополнительные сервисы, такие как копирование сделок, конкурсы, VPS и программа лояльности, обогащают торговый опыт и удовлетворяют различные потребности трейдеров. Одним из главных преимуществ XM является широкий спектр торгуемых инструментов. Это дает трейдерам большую гибкость и выбор, когда дело доходит до поиска правильных инструментов для торговли. XM — популярный онлайн-брокер, который предлагает широкий спектр финансовых продуктов и услуг, включая торговлю на рынке Форекс, торговлю сырьевыми товарами и торговлю фондовыми индексами. Компания была основана в 2009 году, штаб-квартира находится в Лимассоле, Кипр. Регулируется Кипрской комиссией по ценным бумагам и биржам (CySEC), Управлением по финансовому регулированию и надзору (FCA).

Укажите причину удаления аккаунта и следуйте дальнейшим инструкциям, которые предоставит служба поддержки. Процесс закрытия аккаунта может занять некоторое время, так как потребуется подтверждение вашей личности и завершение всех финансовых операций. На данном вебсайте включена функция Google Analytics – сервис веб-аналитики, предоставляемый компанией Google, Inc. («Google»).

Брокер XM: обзор и отзывы трейдеров 2024

  1. XM вводит новый и захватывающий элемент в мир торговли – конкурсы Форекс.
  2. Укажите причину удаления аккаунта и следуйте дальнейшим инструкциям, которые предоставит служба поддержки.
  3. Конкурсы XM добавляют элемент азарта и волнения в торговлю, предлагая уникальные возможности для обогащения опыта и выигрыша ценных призов.
  4. С 2014 года он успешно торгует на Форексе и с 2017 года активно участвует в криптовалютном рынке.

XM вводит новый и захватывающий элемент в мир торговли – конкурсы Форекс. Эти конкурсы предоставляют возможность как новичкам, так и опытным трейдерам испытать свои навыки, соревноваться с другими и выиграть ценные призы. Копитрейдинг в XM делает процесс торговли более доступным, демократичным и потенциально прибыльным для всех участников икскритикал работа рынка. Исламские счета полностью соответствуют шариатским законам и не включают в себя никаких свопов или процентов за перенос позиций через ночь.

Ставки на бокс ︎ Букмекеры для ставок на бокс в Украине

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Эта стратегия предполагает ставки на аутсайдеров с высокими коэффициентами. В боксе часто случаются неожиданные исходы, и иногда менее известные бойцы могут победить фаворитов. Анализируйте физическую форму, последние выступления и мотивацию бойцов перед боем. Применение этих стратегий поможет вам более эффективно делать ставки на бокс, минимизировать риски и увеличить свои шансы на успешные ставки. Чтение экспертных прогнозов и аналитических материалов может узнать как делать ставки на бокс, даст полезную информацию для ставок. Сравнивайте несколько источников прогнозов и делайте ставки, основываясь на наиболее обоснованных рекомендациях.

Стратегия выжидания (ставки на аутсайдеров)

  • Финансовая стратегия, которая включает уменьшение размера ставки в случае проигрыша и сохранение неизменного размера при выигрыше.
  • Независимо от вашего опыта в ставках, эта информация поможет вам сделать более обоснованные и успешные прогнозы на бокс.
  • Эта стратегия предполагает ставки на аутсайдеров с высокими коэффициентами.
  • В отличие от командных видов спорта, таких как футбол или баскетбол, ставки на спорт бокс имеют свои уникальные особенности и требуют специального подхода.
  • Если начальная ставка 100 грн и вы проиграли, следующая ставка будет 50 грн.
  • Если в одной БК коэффициент на победу бойца А выше, чем на бойца Б, а в другой БК – наоборот, можно сделать ставки так, чтобы получить прибыль независимо от результата.

Ставки на бокс — это не только зрелищный вид спорта, но и отличная возможность для бетторов испытать удачу и знания, делая ставки на исходы поединков. В отличие от командных видов спорта, таких как футбол или баскетбол, ставки на спорт бокс имеют свои уникальные особенности и требуют специального подхода. Мы рассмотрим основные аспекты ставок на бокс, включая главные новости, виды ставок, стратегии и лучшие букмекеры для этого вида спорта. Независимо от вашего опыта в ставках, эта информация поможет вам сделать более обоснованные и успешные прогнозы на бокс. Финансовая стратегия, которая включает уменьшение размера ставки в случае проигрыша и сохранение неизменного размера при выигрыше. Если начальная ставка 100 грн и вы проиграли, следующая ставка будет 50 грн.

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Лучшие букмекеры для ставок на бокс

Ставки на бокс требуют тщательного анализа и применения эффективных стратегий, чтобы минимизировать риски и увеличить шансы на выигрыш. Стратегия, при которой вы делаете ставки на один и тот же исход в разных букмекерских конторах с различающимися коэффициентами, что гарантирует прибыль при любом исходе. Если в одной БК коэффициент на победу бойца А выше, чем https://kidrights.kherson.ua/ на бойца Б, а в другой БК – наоборот, можно сделать ставки так, чтобы получить прибыль независимо от результата.

  • Ставки на бокс — это не только зрелищный вид спорта, но и отличная возможность для бетторов испытать удачу и знания, делая ставки на исходы поединков.
  • Стратегия, при которой вы делаете ставки на один и тот же исход в разных букмекерских конторах с различающимися коэффициентами, что гарантирует прибыль при любом исходе.
  • В боксе часто случаются неожиданные исходы, и иногда менее известные бойцы могут победить фаворитов.
  • Ставки на бокс требуют тщательного анализа и применения эффективных стратегий, чтобы минимизировать риски и увеличить шансы на выигрыш.

Виды ставок на бокс

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Ищите букмекерские конторы с наибольшими различиями в коэффициентах. Эта стратегия предполагает ставки на количество раундов, которые продлится бой. Можно ставить на тотал больше или меньше определенного числа раундов.

Ставки на бокс ︎ Букмекеры для ставок на бокс в Украине

ставки на бокс live

Ставки на бокс — это не только зрелищный вид спорта, но и отличная возможность для бетторов испытать удачу и знания, делая ставки на исходы поединков. В отличие от командных видов спорта, таких как футбол или баскетбол, ставки на спорт бокс имеют свои уникальные особенности и требуют специального подхода. Мы рассмотрим основные аспекты ставок на бокс, включая главные новости, виды ставок, стратегии и лучшие букмекеры для этого вида спорта. Независимо от вашего опыта в ставках, эта информация поможет вам сделать более обоснованные и успешные прогнозы на бокс. Финансовая стратегия, которая включает уменьшение размера ставки в случае проигрыша и сохранение неизменного размера при выигрыше. Если начальная ставка 100 грн и вы проиграли, следующая ставка будет 50 грн.

ставки на бокс live

Виды ставок на бокс

Ищите букмекерские конторы https://kidrights.kherson.ua/ с наибольшими различиями в коэффициентах. Эта стратегия предполагает ставки на количество раундов, которые продлится бой. Можно ставить на тотал больше или меньше определенного числа раундов.

  • Ищите букмекерские конторы с наибольшими различиями в коэффициентах.
  • Стратегия, при которой вы делаете ставки на один и тот же исход в разных букмекерских конторах с различающимися коэффициентами, что гарантирует прибыль при любом исходе.
  • Анализируйте физическую форму, последние выступления и мотивацию бойцов перед боем.
  • Ставки на бокс — это не только зрелищный вид спорта, но и отличная возможность для бетторов испытать удачу и знания, делая ставки на исходы поединков.
  • В боксе часто случаются неожиданные исходы, и иногда менее известные бойцы могут победить фаворитов.

Стратегия выжидания (ставки на аутсайдеров)

Ставки на бокс требуют тщательного анализа и применения эффективных стратегий, чтобы минимизировать риски и увеличить шансы на выигрыш. Стратегия, при которой вы делаете ставки на один и тот же исход в разных букмекерских конторах с различающимися коэффициентами, что гарантирует прибыль при любом исходе. Если в одной БК коэффициент на победу бойца А выше, чем на бойца Б, а в другой БК – наоборот, можно сделать ставки так, чтобы получить прибыль независимо от результата.

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Эта стратегия предполагает ставки на аутсайдеров с высокими коэффициентами. В боксе часто случаются неожиданные исходы, и иногда менее известные бойцы могут победить фаворитов. Анализируйте физическую форму, последние выступления и мотивацию бойцов перед боем. Применение этих стратегий поможет вам более эффективно делать ставки на бокс, минимизировать риски и увеличить свои шансы на успешные ставки. Чтение экспертных прогнозов и аналитических материалов может узнать как делать ставки на бокс, даст полезную информацию для ставок. Сравнивайте несколько источников прогнозов и делайте ставки, основываясь на наиболее обоснованных рекомендациях.

What Are Microservices: Introduction To The Fundamentals

If you’ve a large-scale software with a number of containers, you can also make use of a container orchestration platform. The two most popular instruments are Docker Swarm and Kubernetes (see above).Docker Swarm is embedded in the Docker Engine; it’s Docker’s native orchestration software. While Swarm fits properly into the Docker ecosystem and is straightforward to set up, Kubernetes is extra customizable and has larger fault tolerance. Raygun enables you to SOA vs Microservices monitor your microservice utility from a user-friendly, integrated dashboard.

Advantages And Challenges Of Using Microservices Structure

They have been able to tackle the rising demand of their person base efficiently. Both internet providers and microservices are used to build application architectures, however there’s a main difference in how they work. Service-oriented architecture (SOA) is an approach that takes benefit of reusable elements, the place each part serves a specific business need. The challenges lie in situations when a service wants to communicate with a faulty service the place things like retries and circuit breaking must be dealt with.

The Benefits Of Microservices Are:

What are Microservices

It creates proxy containers — also known as sidecar containers — that relate to one or more providers and route visitors as essential, while those providers continue their operations. A microservices software can call upon numerous proxies to deal with numerous services or collections of associated services. Although containers aren’t required for microservices, they make microservices sensible. Containers’ small and resource-lean instances are suited to the small codebases present in microservices. Their fast creation and teardown make them scalable and temporary or ethereal. Modern container orchestration instruments, corresponding to Kubernetes, support the power to detect and restart failed containers with minimal human intervention.

What Are Microservices? Your Subsequent Software Structure

When there are multiple groups taking care of different companies independently, it’s greatest to introduce some standards and best practices — error handling, for example. As could be expected, requirements and best practices usually are not provided, every service would doubtless handle errors in a special way, and little question a major amount of pointless code can be written. If you need to construct an software with a decentralized structure, microservices are autonomous and may be deployed in numerous locations, even amongst different cloud service providers.

What are Microservices

Microservices Implementation Challenges

Iterate on the design as needed, together with testing the new interfaces, communication protocols and datastores. Continuous supply is very essential to ensure that each service can be updated and launched independently of the opposite microservices. Microservices structure can accommodate impartial providers with different development rates. Even if a service sees an surprising delay, the project can proceed without world implications to the appliance improvement timeline. Microservices construction an utility in such a method that it’s built of assorted smaller components, or companies, that may be independently deployed.

Services talk with each other using light-weight mechanisms, typically an HTTP useful resource API. These APIs are designed to be easy and universal, allowing for easy interplay between companies developed in numerous programming languages. Microservice architectures inherently help a collaborative, yet unbiased improvement environment. They align properly with Agile and DevOps practices, which emphasize small, frequent updates, and cross-functional team collaboration.

That means, if a quantity of modifications are made to a microservice, solely that microservice ought to be redeployed. Moreover, a microservice ought to be replaceable with one other microservice without affecting the general system. Since each microservice is a separate component, it incorporates failures within itself and doesn’t impact the entire software. This isolation improves the application’s overall stability by limiting the scope of a problem and enabling quicker recovery. Furthermore, it simplifies the process of figuring out and rectifying issues, resulting in higher uptime and higher person satisfaction.

  • DevOps practices, including CI/CD, are essential to the architectural approach of microservices.
  • Once the appliance was divided, Uber was in a position to enhance the efficiency of their software and, on the identical time, rapidly deploy modifications to maintain up with their growth.
  • Netflix migrated their movie-encoding section of the applying to microservice structure first, adopted by customer-facing elements like new user sign-up and configurations.
  • Microservices empower developers to use optimum practices by decomposing massive codebases into modular providers aligned to product capabilities.
  • A service mesh, such as Linkerd and Istio, makes those communications faster, safer, seen and reliable by capturing behaviors corresponding to latency-aware load balancing or service discovery.

Instead, Docker containers virtualize the working system and run it as an isolated process on the host system. This makes Docker containers quicker and more light-weight than traditional VMs. The ultimate answer to the question of what Docker is lies in its capacity to streamline processes, improve efficiency, guarantee consistency, and keep portability, which makes it indispensable in fashionable DevOps practices. Since every little thing is self-contained, the containers don’t depend on pre-installed software or configurations on the host machine. As shopper and transaction numbers improve, the orchestration software builds new containers to distribute the workload – allowing the web site to perform smoothly despite traffic spikes. Docker images specify a base layer and have all essential dependencies put in on top of this base.

However, successfully integrating REST APIs with microservices presents several challenges and issues, which we’ll briefly discover on this weblog post. The advantages of microservices that we’ve documented above don’t come free of charge. Like other transformational developments, microservices implementation poses its personal threats. Without understanding these challenges, your organization would possibly find it tough to achieve most of the foreseen benefits.

In essence, microservice is the DevOps tool to help optimize workflows, automation and infrastructure management – directly fulfilling key DevOps objectives and accelerating service deliveries. Monoliths typically constrain know-how selections given enterprise commitment to Java/NET ecosystems. Microservices enable combining applied sciences – mobile apps can use JavaScript while AI providers use Python for agility. Since providers are independent, failure of 1 service does not cascade throughout others allowing general application to proceed functioning. Microservice redundancy also improves resilience – if one cost service fails, calls can be routed to another instance stopping income loss.

In this way, Docker improves the speed and efficiency of development while making certain increased reliability, improved scalability, faster deployment instances, and simpler adoption of microservices structure. But one other means of wanting on the relationship between microservices and DevOps is that microservices architectures actually require DevOps in order to achieve success. While monolithic purposes have a spread of drawbacks which have been mentioned earlier in this article, they get pleasure from not being a posh distributed system with multiple shifting elements and independent tech stacks. In software engineering, a microservice structure is an architectural sample that arranges an utility as a group of loosely coupled, fine-grained services, communicating via light-weight protocols.

This is achieved by either rising the hardware aspect and adding extra servers, (deploying a duplicate of your purposes to the opposite servers) or vertical scaling the application. Each microservice, centered on a single business capability, ought to have clear interfaces. Review how the info entities are accessed and, lastly, consider tips on how to partition the information to reduce dependencies between providers. Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud provides developers a fast and safe method to containerize and deploy enterprise workloads in Kubernetes clusters. Offload tedious and repetitive tasks involving security administration, compliance management, deployment management and ongoing lifecycle management.

Also, gauge your organization’s level of technical experience and assess whether or not it is sufficient for such an exercise. Your engineering group should be prepared for extensive infrastructural modifications and different disruptions all through the process. Developers use these RESTful API instructions to carry out actions on different “resources” within an application or service. Those assets might be information in a database that pertains to staff, accounting details, medical data, or many different issues. In addition to assets, RESTful APIs use URLs (Uniform Resource Locators), which allow you to find and indicate the resource you wish to carry out an action on.

Deploy and manage containerized purposes consistently across on-premises, edge computing and public cloud environments from any vendor. This sample inserts a layer between the person experience and the sources that the experience calls on. For example, an app used on a desktop could have different screen dimension, display, and efficiency limits than a cellular system. While best practice could be to design stateless providers, state nonetheless exists and companies need to remember of it.

Do not categorize microservices solely around business functions and services, as this might create microservices that are both too small or too giant. The former can lead to an pointless increase in operational prices, while the latter will reduce the advantage of utilizing microservices that aren’t so ‘micro’ anymore. Decentralized governance is best fitted to microservices as developers worldwide create priceless tools to resolve operational challenges.

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Break-Even Analysis: Formula and Calculation

break even computation

A higher contribution reduces the number of units needed to break even because each unit contributes more towards covering fixed costs. Conversely, a lower contribution margin increases the breakeven point, requiring more units to be sold to cover fixed costs. The contribution margin represents the revenue required to cover a business’ fixed costs and contribute to its profit. With the contribution margin calculation, a business can determine the break-even point and where it can begin earning a profit. Now, as noted just above, to calculate the BEP in dollars, divide total fixed costs by the contribution margin ratio.

  • Determining the number of units that need to be sold to achieve the break-even point is one of the most common methods of break-even analysis.
  • The two most useful are by creating a break-even calculator or by using Goal Seek, which is a built-in Excel tool.
  • The break-even point is the volume of activity at which a company’s total revenue equals the sum of all variable and fixed costs.
  • First we take the desired dollar amount of profit and divide it by the contribution margin per unit.

Limitations and considerations of break-even analysis

By raising your sales price, you’re in turn raising the contribution price of each unit and lowering the number of units needed to break even. With less units to sell, you lower that financial retail accounting software risk and instantly boost your cash flow. Calculating the break-even point in sales dollars will tell you how much revenue you need to generate before your business breaks even.

break even computation

Why Break-Even Analysis Matters

Maggie also pays $800 a month on rent, $200 in utilities, and collects a monthly salary of $1,500. The breakeven point is important because it identifies the minimum sales volume needed to cover all costs, ensuring no losses are incurred. It aids in strategic decision-making regarding pricing, cost control, and sales targets. Assume an investor pays a $4 premium for a Meta (formerly Facebook) put option with a $180 strike price. That allows the put buyer to sell 100 shares of Meta stock (META) at $180 per share until the option’s expiration date.

Unit Economics and Cost Structure Assumptions

In accounting terms, it refers to the production level at which total production revenue equals total production costs. In investing, the breakeven point is the point at which the original cost equals the market price. Meanwhile, the breakeven point in options trading occurs when the market price of an underlying asset reaches the level at which a buyer will not incur a loss. When companies calculate the BEP, they identify the amount of sales required to cover all fixed costs before profit generation can begin. The break-even point formula can determine the BEP in product units or sales dollars. Break-even analysis is great for entrepreneurs or companies that are just starting out and unsure of what to sell, how much to sell, or where to allocate their budget.

Break Even Revenue Calculator

“When will we actually make money?” is the burning question for new businesses. Fortunately, you can answer this question by calculating your break-even point. Our intuitive software automates the busywork with powerful tools and features designed to help you simplify your financial management and make informed business decisions.

Who Calculates BEPs?

In reality, prices often fluctuate due to market conditions, competition, or changes in demand. For example, if you run a café, you might decide to lower the price of your best-selling drink to attract more customers. While this could boost foot traffic, it also means your break-even point will change and you’ll need to sell more drinks to reach profitability. The biggest use for break-even analysis is to determine whether or not your company is breaking even. Finding the break-even point of your business allows you to determine how much more revenue you need to generate in order to reach a profit.

For example, your break-even point formula might need to be accommodate costs that work in a different way (you get a bulk discount or fixed costs jump at certain intervals). Let’s say that we have a company that sells products priced at $20.00 per unit, so revenue will be equal to the number of units sold multiplied by the $20.00 price tag. For the example of Maggie’s Mugs, she paid $5 per mug and $10 for them to be painted. If she keeps falling short of the 500 units needed to break even, she could potentially find a cheaper mug supplier or painters who are willing to take a lesser payment. By reducing her variable costs, Maggie would reduce the break-even point and she wouldn’t need to sell so many units to break even.

It is used broadly, be it the case of stock and options trading or corporate budgeting for various projects. A break-even analysis relies on three crucial aspects of a business operation – selling price of a unit, fixed costs and variable costs. On the other hand, variable costs are largely dependent on the volume of work at hand – if you have more clients, you will need more labor and materials which results in an increase in variable expenses. Assume a company has $1 million in fixed costs and a gross margin of 37%. In this breakeven point example, the company must generate $2.7 million in revenue to cover its fixed and variable costs. The Break Even Revenue Calculator is a vital tool for understanding how much revenue you need to generate in order to cover your operating expenses.

By understanding your break-even point, you can make better decisions about pricing, sales targets, and cost management. This calculator allows you to calculate the required revenue to cover all your costs based on your operating expenses and gross margin percentage. When starting a new business, this analysis can help you find out if your business idea is financially viable before you invest too much time or money.

Let us try to find the number of units needed to be sold by General Motors’ automotive division to breakeven. One can be in quantity termed as break-even quantity, and the other is sales, which are termed as break-even sales. Thus, it tells us at what level the investment has to reach so that it can recover its initial outlay.

By looking at each component individually, you can start to ask yourself critical questions about your pricing and costs. For information pertaining to the registration status of 11 Financial, please contact the state securities regulators for those states in which 11 Financial maintains a registration filing. If the price stays right at $110, they are at the BEP because they are not making or losing anything. Options can help investors who are holding a losing stock position using the option repair strategy.

Low Volatility Investing: Meaning, What is it & Does It Work?

what is low volatility

Factors, such as minimum volatility, have historically provided enhanced returns and/or reduced risk. We prefer investing in minimum volatility, rather than unintended sector bets. In times of high volatility, options are an incredibly valuable addition to any portfolio. Puts are options that give the holder the right to sell the underlying asset at a pre-determined price. If an investor is buying a put option to speculate on a move lower in the underlying asset, the investor is bearish and wants prices to fall. Similarly, predicting when a volatile stock is exhausting its current bullish momentum can mean shorting the stock, or buying puts, just as the downturn begins.

How can trading strategies help investors navigate market volatility?

In terms of advantages, the index consists of only large-cap stocks which can be comforting to most investors. Two, since it invests only in large-cap stocks, there is low liquidity risk. And finally, it is a system so there are no biases in the selection of companies. So overall, it is an index for people who are looking for long-term appreciation with relatively stable volatility.

Implementing Low-Volatility Strategies

  1. It is important to delve into an ETF’s holdings before investing despite the many upsides to these kinds of funds like diversified exposure, which minimizes single stock risk.
  2. It does this through a very focused investing approach, targeting the top 75 stocks in the S&P 500 with the highest dividend yields, though no more than 10 stocks from a single sector can be included.
  3. Trend-following is a trading strategy that involves identifying and following the prevailing market trend, either upward or downward.
  4. More simply put, volatility represents how large an asset’s prices swing around the mean price.
  5. Their relatively tranquil behavior can not only help reduce losses in a downturn – they can stay your hand, preventing you from panic selling and potentially ruining your retirement.

Bollinger Bands are often used as an indicator of the range a security trades between, with the upper the advantages of issuing bonds instead of common stock band limit indicating a potentially high price to sell at, and the lower band limit indicating a potential low price to buy at. Is a quantitative analyst and IT professional with over 30 years of experience working in technology. He is the author of three books and has been investing in data-driven systematic strategies since 2010. To learn more about this product and other ETFs, screen for products that match your investment objectives and read articles on latest developments in the ETF investing universe, please visit Zacks ETF Center. Geopolitical events, such as wars, terrorist attacks, or diplomatic tensions, can significantly impact market volatility.

So if you’re looking for low-volatility ETFs that provide diversification outside of domestic stocks, EFAV is a great option. Indeed, there are still plenty of unanswered questions for investors, including those surrounding the Federal Reserve’s future monetary plans, geopolitical uncertainty and the upcoming U.S. presidential election. Volatility is often used to describe risk, but this is not necessarily always the case. Risk involves the chances of experiencing a loss, while volatility describes how much and quickly prices move. If increased price movements also increase the chance of losses, then risk is likewise increased.

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Low-volatility stocks are ports in a storm for investors who can’t stomach violent market swings. Their relatively tranquil behavior can not only help reduce losses in a downturn – they can stay your hand, preventing you from panic selling and potentially ruining your retirement. Jeff Reeves writes about equity markets and exchange-traded funds for Kiplinger. A veteran journalist with extensive capital markets experience, Jeff has written about Wall Street and investing since 2008.

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These types of short-term trades may produce smaller profits individually, but a highly volatile stock can provide almost infinite opportunities to trade the swing. Numerous lesser payoffs in a short period of time may well end up being more lucrative than one large cash-out after several years of waiting. While a highly volatile stock may be a more anxiety-producing choice for this kind of strategy, a small amount of volatility can actually mean greater profits. As the price fluctuates, it provides the opportunity for investors to buy stock in a solid company when the price is very low, and then wait for cumulative growth down the road. Many more conservative traders favor a long-term strategy called buy-and-hold, wherein a stock is purchased and then held for an extended period, often many years, to reap the rewards of the company’s incremental growth.

More investors are now warming up to the idea of investing in passively managed funds such as index funds and ETFs. If you’re looking to get back into the market in a responsible way, ‎thinktrader on the app store or if you’re simply looking to rejigger your portfolio to reflect the new reality on Wall Street, low-volatility ETFs are an interesting option. They allow investors access to the stock market, but with a lower risk profile than the typical index fund. True, the stock market has done well this year thanks to an increased appetite for riskier assets – including many high-flying growth stocks.

Temporary pops and drops in the market don’t change the long-term objective of your portfolio, making it unnecessary to change your holdings. Stay the course and know that history shows that the market always recovers. However, since the risk and volatility can be lower, the return can also be lower than more volatile offerings. Over time though, reinvested dividends can purchase additional shares of the same security, reducing risk over a long enough time frame. Bonds, bond ETFs and treasuries all serve as safe havens when the market is going down.

The volatility of a stock (or of the broader stock market) can be seen as an indicator of fear or uncertainty. Prices tend to swing more wildly (both up and down) when investors are unable to make good sense of the economic news or corporate data coming out. An increase in overall volatility can thus be a predictor of a market downturn. Government policy changes, such as tax reforms, regulatory shifts, and trade policies, can influence market volatility. These changes can create uncertainty among investors, leading to increased price fluctuations in financial markets.

Historical volatility provides insight into how volatile an asset has been in the past and can help investors make informed decisions about future price movements. Interest rate changes can cause market volatility as they impact the cost of borrowing and the discount rate used to value future cash flows. When central banks raise or lower interest rates, the market often reacts with increased price fluctuations. Market participants, such as investors and traders, closely monitor market volatility to make informed decisions and manage their risk exposure in response to changing understanding the software development life cycle market dynamics.

These strategies enable investors to take advantage of market volatility and improve their overall portfolio performance. The higher level of volatility that comes with bear markets can directly impact portfolios while adding stress to investors, as they watch the value of their portfolios plummet. This often spurs investors to rebalance their portfolio weighting between stocks and bonds, by buying more stocks, as prices fall. In this way, market volatility offers a silver lining to investors, who capitalize on the situation. Investors can find periods of high volatility to be distressing, as prices can swing wildly or fall suddenly. Long-term investors are best advised to ignore periods of short-term volatility and stay the course.

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8 2 Gender Socialization in the Workplace Sociology of Gender

jobs that have been feminized, such as teaching or secretarial work, are also referred to as

Find useful tips on What to Wear to a Teacher Interview to better prepare for an interview in education. More recently, in 2013, the United States military allowed women to serve in previously closed combat designations. 2022 saw the first female aircraft carrier captain in the history of the United States Navy, Captain Amy Bauernschmidt, shown in figure 8.5. When CAPT Bauernschmidt started her career at the United States Naval Academy in the early 1990s, women were prohibited from serving on combat ships (Lendon, Essig, and Josuka 2022). Transgender people have been allowed to openly serve in the United States military as of 2016. Gold-collar jobs refer to highly-skilled professionals in high-demand fields, such as doctors, lawyers, engineers, pilots, and scientists.

Education and Social Services: Nurturing Future Generations

There are many pink-collar jobs across wide-ranging sectors, including healthcare, education, and retail. The 1930s proved successful for women in the workplace thanks to federal relief programs and the growth of unions. For the first time women were not completely dependent on themselves, in 1933 the federal government expanded in its responsibility to female workers. Two million women joined the workforce during the Great Depression despite negative public opinion. Another organization that grew out of women in the workforce, was the Women’s Bureau of the Department of Labor.

jobs that have been feminized, such as teaching or secretarial work, are also referred to as

2.6 Licenses and Attributions for Gender Socialization in the Workplace

“For many women, teaching was a means of status maintenance, while for men it more often served as an avenue of social mobility” (Rury, p. 41). The men who became teachers often had exhausted other career paths or had few opportunities because of their social class or life circumstances. Since teaching was one of the highest-status careers open to women, they were often overqualified for it but could not rise further in status except by marrying professional husbands. Male and female teachers both benefited because teaching was more respected than blue-collar jobs, but it was relatively low-paying and did not provide women with the possibility of real advancement. Providing performance information and showing balanced gender representation in job roles can encourage more male candidates to enter traditionally female-dominated pink collar jobs. Fostering a workplace culture that emphasizes diversity and inclusion can expand career advancement opportunities for all pink collar workers, and create a supportive environment, particularly for women.

  1. The teaching schedule has excellent “mommy hours,” with afternoons and evenings free, plus summer and winter vacations that correspond with children’s vacations.
  2. Female teachers were compelled to do the “dirty work” for a society that did not respect them or allow them to make decisions.
  3. Despite their growing presence in the job market, women faced discrimination in hiring, pay, and job security.
  4. Between 1800 and 1850, there were a multitude of social and institutional reforms as cities began to industrialize.
  5. The feminized state of teaching has been both a boon and a burden to the women who teach.

In conclusion, pink collar jobs form a critical part of our labor market, with their roots deeply embedded in our societal history and evolution. From healthcare to education, administrative support to personal care, these roles reflect the diversity of skills and sectors in our economy. However, there remain challenges rooted in gender stereotypes and societal expectations. By fostering a culture of continuous learning, promoting diversity, ensuring fair compensation, and creating supportive work environments, we can bridge the gender gap and advance careers in pink collar fields. The future of pink jobs that have been feminized, such as teaching or secretarial work, are also referred to as collar work is promising and evolving, reflecting our society’s continuous progress towards gender equality.

“The work schedule of the modern teacher/mother is not nearly as constrained by social pressures as that of her predecessors” (Sedlak and Schlossman, p. 28). Though teaching provided women with paid employment, it did not further their careers in the ways that it did for men. Women tended to remain in teaching for a shorter period of time than men since they had to quit upon marriage. Women’s younger average age and comparative lack of experience also contributed to their low wages. Even though women constituted most of the teaching population, the leadership and decision-making positions were filled with men, many of who had little classroom experience. “In 1888, an investigator reporting to the Association for the Advancement of women declared that, whereas 67% of the teachers in the country were women, only 4 percent of those with administrative responsibility were women” (Grumet, p. 38).

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Teaching became formalized, and the percentage of women increased from 1850 to 1900. Schooling in the more urban North was more formalized, with more female teachers and sharp pay differences between men and women. When schooling became formalized, female teachers were seen as very desirable because they were seen as cheap, as better teachers of young children, and as more willing to conform to the bureaucratization of schooling.

These lower-paying jobs include home healthcare workers, elementary school teachers, and nurses. Gendered societal expectations are taught to us from an early age through agents of socialization, including family, peers, religion, and media. Academic studies of teaching often assume that female teachers are less committed to their jobs than male teachers. Even modern scholars have blamed teaching’s low prestige on women’s supposedly low aspirations and preferences for working with people via direct teaching rather than wishing to move into educational management positions (Acker).

What is a Pink Collar Job? Understanding the Term and Its Significance

The feminization of teaching and the status of women are integral in understanding the role and perception of teaching in America. Women began to enter the workforce in professions that align with societal outside roles and expectations, such as performing emotional labor. These gender disparities in pink collar jobs are influenced by societal expectations and structural barriers. Originally defined by roles such as nursing, teaching, and secretarial work, pink collar jobs are a distinct part of the workforce with a rich history and evolving significance. This article explores the intricacies of pink collar employment, addressing how these jobs have been shaped by gender norms and economic trends, without revealing all the specifics we’ve covered inside. A pink collar worker is an employee who undertakes roles traditionally considered to be women’s jobs, such as teacher, florist, child care, secretary, nurse, domestic helper, etc.

100+ Sobriety Tattoo Ideas To Mark Your Sober Journey

sobriety addiction tattoos

That’s what date sobriety tattoos represent – the sobriety addiction tattoos day when you decided to take control and start your journey to recovery. When it comes to sobriety tattoos, the warrior design stands out with its rich symbolism and ornate details. Picture a valiant warrior, embellished with elements like flowers, leaves, crosses, or beads, each symbol telling a unique tale of triumph over addiction. The process of choosing a design, collaborating with a skilled tattoo artist, and enduring the physical sensation of getting inked can be an empowering and therapeutic journey. Through this process, people often find solace, closure, and renewed strength.

  • Perfect for those looking for recovery tattoos, it stands as a quiet reminder of the wearer’s journey and commitment to sobriety.
  • Using bold, impactful imagery, these tattoos shine a light on the wearer’s inner strength and the fierce battles they have won against addiction.
  • The tattoo showcases the Serenity Prayer integrated with a dove, symbolizing peace and the triumph of sobriety.
  • Addiction is a very personal disease, and there is generally no singular answer for how individuals should choose to recover.
  • One day at a time – the phrase is simple yet full of deep significance, particularly to those of us on the path to sobriety.

What’s the most important thing to consider when getting a sobriety tattoo?

  • They serve as a reminder of a person’s commitment to a life free from addiction.
  • The journey to sobriety often inspires life-changing tales of resilience and courage, and what reputable way to commemorate this than with a carefully crafted and deeply symbolic tattoo?
  • By carrying these symbols on their skin, individuals in recovery can continually reaffirm their commitment to sobriety and the principles that helped them achieve it.

By carefully selecting symbols that resonate on a personal level, individuals are not only able to celebrate their achievements but also provide themselves with a visual anchor. This anchor serves as a reminder of where they’ve been, how far they’ve come, and the bright future that lies ahead in their sobriety journey. Such sobriety tattoos are also the only reminder you need to stay on your current path. These sobriety tattoos can be a good reminder to never give up and to keep moving forward even when times get tough. As you will notice in such sobriety tattoos, all sides of this triangle are equal and balanced. This signifies that all of these values must be equally utilized in your life for the program to really work.

sobriety addiction tattoos

Timeless Cityscape: Inspiring Sobriety & Recovery Tattoo Design

It could range from abstract Halfway house designs that map out the emotional landscape of recovery to more literal depictions of critical moments or influential figures in their path to sobriety. Crafting such a tattoo requires introspection and creativity, leading to a piece that not only narrates one’s past struggles but also celebrates the ongoing commitment to a sober life. The process itself can be therapeutic, compelling individuals to acknowledge their growth and the lessons learned along the way. This sobriety tattoo, scripted “still I rise,” symbolizes triumph over adversity, often linked to recovery journeys. Great for those seeking recovery tattoos that celebrate resilience and personal growth. The tattoo in the image shows the phrase “Just for Today” inked on the person’s palm.

sobriety addiction tattoos

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They signify strength, determination, and a commitment to a clean and sober lifestyle. These tattoos can also serve as reminders of the challenges faced and the progress made in maintaining sobriety. Additionally, sobriety tattoos can symbolize resilience, hope, and a new beginning. A popular placement for sobriety tattoos is the wrist, as it is a visible reminder to stay strong and committed to the path of sobriety. Other suitable locations include the forearm, to symbolize the continuous effort and progress, or the chest, as a deeply personal and heartfelt testament to overcoming addiction. Below you will find a collection of sobriety tattoo design ideas for you to browse and get inspired by.

sobriety addiction tattoos

  • For many individuals who have or are actively overcoming addiction, this recovery process can be extremely difficult.
  • It’s a simple, yet bold statement of resilience and perseverance, perfect for those seeking recovery tattoos that embody their journey and resolve.
  • Infused with simplicity and elegance, these designs focus more on the core meaning behind the symbol or phrase chosen, and less on the grandeur of embellishments.
  • The journey of recovery is a deeply personal one, and tattoos can serve as enduring memoirs of this path.
  • Thus, finding a well-reviewed and highly qualified artist is an essential part of your process to getting a sobriety tattoo.

The dreamy patches of colour within this technique can help to emphasise the significance of a particular symbol or phrase in the sobriety journey. A well-thought-out, meaningful position will only enhance the significant experience that a sobriety tattoo provides. Many people on the road to recovery often come from challenging situations. While some potential employers might value the honesty symbolised by a sobriety tattoo, others might be hesitant. Therefore, if you’re contemplating a sobriety tattoo, consider discussing the idea with your present employer or consider the potential views of future ones.

sobriety addiction tattoos

Physical and Mental Health Impacts

Inspiration from the 12-step program can lead to some profoundly symbolic tattoos. From the serenity prayer to specific steps that had a significant impact, elements of this program can be creatively transformed into tattoo art. The imagery might include a staircase, representing the steps, or visual representations of key concepts like surrender, acceptance, and recovery. Each element of the design can symbolize different aspects of the 12-step journey, reflecting both the struggles and triumphs of addiction recovery.

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You may be asking, “Jamie, how do sobriety tattoos, especially for men, play a role here? They symbolize a personal commitment, a daily reminder of the obstacles you’ve conquered and the ongoing battle. While the origins of this iconic tattoo design remain largely unknown, the 2% tattoos are widely used amongst methamphetamine recovery patients. The meaning is deeply rooted in the statistics that all but 2% of recovering meth addicts will relapse at some point along their journey. By tattooing this design as one of your tattoos for strength, you are reminding yourself that you are not alone on the path to recovery and that despite the fallbacks, there is still hope. As a sobriety symbol, the lotus flower embodies transformation, resilience, and inner growth.